Monday 2 January 2017



It goes without saying that 2016 will go down in the history books. The unexpected became a reality, we experienced a lot of sadness but, there was plenty to inspire us too!

2016 is a good reminder that even the best laid plans can fall apart but this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have any. My approach for 2017 is to keep my plans a more flexible and to focus on three things.

Attitude – If you really want to realise your dreams you need the right attitude, about yourself, your approach to work and your life in general. And, to keep this in place you need a few things to help you when the going gets tough! These could be a collection of visual images, inspirational quotes or writing, a place to visit or, best of all, someone to talk to!

Goals – As Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote, “A goal without a plan is just a wish”. Setting a few goals will give you something to aim for.  They can be short and long term goals but the main thing is that you have something written down with a deadline.  I always think Christmas is perfect example of how a deadline should work. Christmas is a set (immovable) date, it brings with it rewards and, above all else, it motivates people to make an extra effort across all areas of their life and work. Wouldn’t it be great if we could apply this enthusiasm to all our deadlines?

Action – Without action our goals will remain wishes. Starting a new project or task is the easy bit. Finding the motivation to keep going is a whole lot harder so, make sure you have some help in place to keep you on track.

I hope 2017 brings all your hopes and dreams to fruition…

Best wishes

#retail   -consultant  -designer  -visualcommunicator  -educator
tel      07907 691711

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